Regulation rather than consequences

child trauma tantrum

Parenting traumatized children requires regulation rather than consequences. Regulation is what these children missed as babies and toddlers.  Healthy children had moments where loving parents picked them up and calmed them.  The parent held them when they were angry or distressed. They calmly helped them handle a frustration.  Neglected and abused children missed these experiences…

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Helping Traumatized Children Learn – Part 2

learn student bored

In the second chapter of “Helping Traumatized Children Learn”, the author discusses resiliency and protective factors. Three Protective factors Child-development psychologists Masten and Coatsworth found 3 common factors for why some children develop competence even under adverse conditions, such as exposure to domestic violence, abuse, homelessness and community violence. These three factors common to competent…

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Learning and Trauma

classrooms trauma and learning

Helping Traumatized Children Learn I just finished reading a chapter of the book titled “Helping Traumatized Children Learn”. This report was a collaboration with Harvard Law School and The Task Force on Children Affected by Domestic Violence. The basics of the book are: • Chapter 1 – The impact of trauma on learning • Chapter…

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I just finished reading a great article on resilience along with viewing 3 videos (2 from Dr. Dan Siegel) about the subject. First let’s start with what is resilience? Resilience – What is it? Resilience can be defined as the ability to recover quickly from difficulties while maintaining optimism for the future.  When adults or…

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Children’s Stories

story telling

I just read an article about how stories can change how a child thinks. This process is called narrative psychology and most of the current research is focused on adult outcomes, the results are still compelling for children.  If stories can change your child’s thoughts, memories and how they live their lives, wouldn’t it be…

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