Principles for Making Marriage Work

marriage connections

The “7 Principles for Making Marriage Work” was written by the psychologist John Gottman. This blog will be a summary of those 7 principles. Enhance your love maps.  Love centers around being great friends, the first skill that’s required is an understanding of what’s important to your partner. Thinking about the details of the activities…

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Evaluate your Marriage

negative marriage

How is your communication with your partner? Is it where you want it to be? Could it be improved? Do you ever feel like you wished you could talk about deeply held beliefs, thoughts, or feelings with your partner, but feel it’s pointless as it often ends up as a misunderstanding or an argument? Don’t…

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Antidotes for the Four Horseman

4 horseman

I have written before about the “four horseman” in respect to the Gottman Method of Marriage Therapy.  If you would like to read more about this concept please click on the link below. Briefly the four horseman are the 4 attitudes that quickly bring about trouble in a marriage. I just read a great article…

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Praise to Criticism Ratio

praise - criticism

I thought I would share an article published in the “Harvard Business Review” that discusses how effective groups work in a business. I know you are probably saying what does this have to do with counseling? Their findings echo the 5:1 positivity to negativity ratio that Mike DeMoss uses at Family Christian Counseling Center during…

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Award for Drs. John and Julie Gottman

Happy couple

  Mike DeMoss has been with the Center for over 10 years and uses the Gottman Method for his work with couples.  Last month the Gottmans were honored for their decades of work revolutionizing couples therapy with the Psychotherapy Networker Lifetime Achievement Award. I thought I would share with you the respect others in this…

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