Toxic Stress

stressed out child

I just listened to an Innovation Hub interview with Dr. Jack Shonkoff director of Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child (you can listen to this interview by clicking on the link). The core of this interview discusses the long term effects of toxic stress. Dr. Shonkoff suggests that everyone knows how it feels to be…

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Regulation – ups and downs part 3

child dissociative

Some children are both hyperaroused and dissociative depending on the situation. They may be activated by stressful life events and act out behaviorally. When the situation becomes too much they collapse into dissociation. This wide swing makes it extremely difficult for parents to follow. It seems as though they are on a wild ride over…

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6 Core strengths for healthy brain development

Childrens brain

This week we will take the first 2 core strengths for healthy brain development which are attachment and self-regulation. Attachment is the capacity to form and maintain healthy emotional bonds with another person. It begins in infancy, as a child interacts with a loving, responsive and attentive caregiver. It is important because this strength is…

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Regulation – Dissociation Part 2

childhood stress

While some kids live hyper-aroused and are incorrectly diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder other children respond to early trauma by dissociating. This is particularly true if they experienced trauma as infants or toddlers. The three choices any human has to stress is flight, fight or freeze. Infants are incapable of running or fighting so…

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Regulation rather than consequences

child trauma tantrum

Parenting traumatized children requires regulation rather than consequences. Regulation is what these children missed as babies and toddlers.  Healthy children had moments where loving parents picked them up and calmed them.  The parent held them when they were angry or distressed. They calmly helped them handle a frustration.  Neglected and abused children missed these experiences…

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